Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday’s Famous Artist … Picasso

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“Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth.”
— Pablo Picasso [32]
Famous Picasso,  studied and painted since his early teens.  Only this commitment could net the unbelievable achievement that comes from such a span of  time , October 1881 – April 1973.    From his Blue Period to the Rose Period to the African influences then to Cubism, Classicism, Surrealism, and more.
I was exposed to Picasso’s work at the Tate Gallery in London.  The curator there in fact owned one of his works and taught several classes.  Picasso was one of his absolute favorite artists and I spent many months studying the directions of his life. 
Not mentioned but very important is Picasso’s many relationship with the artists he influenced and movements such as “DaDa” art with the likes of Georges Braque. 
Picasso, like many artists of that time created commissioned sculptures …
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He was also well know for his many relationships, marriages, break ups, and was strongly influenced by the women in his life … who it appears may have shaped the many directions of his art and career.
Picasso is timelessly timely and to this day his influence is felt.